We have a modern and well-equipped infrastructure to meet the most complex and demanding challenges in the market. With our own engineering department, we are prepared to offer complete and customized engineering solutions, ensuring precision and quality at each stage of the production process.
Our industrial park has 2,000m² of built area and is equipped with cutting-edge machinery for highly complex sectors and customized projects. Our structure allows us to offer complete engineering solutions, being one of the few Brazilian companies to carry out the turnkey process. In this process, we develop the engineering project, study the best solution, produce the components, perform quality control and manage the process until the test-out is carried out.
Our infrastructure includes 3-axis and 5-axis simultaneous machining centers of up to 3,000mm, CNC lathes with driven tools and precision boilermaking. We also have a highly equipped metrology room with an image measuring machine, laser tracker, three-dimensional CNC, three-dimensional measuring arm, hardness tester and various instruments for the most diverse geometries.
All projects are initially developed by our development engineering department using the CATIA environment. They are then forwarded to manufacturing engineering, where the processes are meticulously designed. This means we are able to produce custom parts, according to customer specifications, and also to develop engineering projects focused on specialized solutions.
In addition, we stand out for our use of integrated management systems such as ERP, MRP and MES, allowing for efficient planning and control of all administrative and production processes. These systems provide greater control and quality in our processes, ensuring product traceability and resource optimization.
More than just offering quality machining services, we are a strategic partner to our customers, developing, designing or producing their products, reducing costs and adapting solutions to the needs of each demand.